November 20, 2010


i like red, but you pick black
i like being with friends, while you always been too comfy with your PC
i like basketball, but you even cant deal with running and go cycling instead
i picked our ring coz it's the most beautiful ring i ever seen, but you chose the ordinary one
i always wanted a bouquet of flowers, but you never gave me even i asked it many many times
i sent many romantic lyric to you, but you didn't even know what the song means
i tend to get so emotional, and you just left me when i was angry
we rarely have things in common,

but then i knew,,,,
red and black is the best combination of bright and dark colors
you found many interesting things through PC so you can share it with me
you picked an ordinary ring not because you wont bought me an expensive one but you dont want me to get robbed
you never gave me flowers, but you bought me tickets so we can enjoy it together
you never knew the meaning of the song, but you recorded your voice on a tape and gave it as my birthday present
you stayed in silence when i got mad coz you didnt want me to know that you could shout 5times louder than me , just because you hated to se me hurt.
you didnt give me fancy things, only a parenting guide book on our 4th anniversary with a card written "i know you'll be the best mother for my children"
you always say "we'll cook together, and mix every ingredient together" instead of pushing me learn to cook..

wew, jadi terharu sendiri :')
thank you.
i'll try my best to be your best

November 04, 2010


always wanna be the one who give you those colors
so when you showed-up they would notice how pretty you are
but today, i realize
never had that bright colors
I'm just that boring dark one craving to be a marvelous one
i know you know the perfect place to get that perfect picture
just promise me to always be that uber rainbow :)

October 21, 2010

another story about my dad,,,

wohooooo,, been quite some time not to post on this blog,,,
dunno what to write, but since i've been missing my dad for weeks maybe i just write a lil bout him,,

my dad, is an engineer.. err,, jalan 53th tahun ini,,
dengan kumis yg sudah ga ada sejak bbrp tahun terakhir (kata papa "biar awet muda") dan rambut yg uda agak2 memutih di sana-sini. he's a workaholic (or maybe the company insists him to do so, agak ga jelas hahaha). and definitely a family man.
karna aku juga diem kalo di rumah (hahahaha,, diam kalian!! jangan ketawa --") jadi kalo ada papa juga ga terlalu banyak ngomong,, tapi aku ga pernah bikin acara lain klo sabtu-minggu papa pulang.. tapi kalo ga ada, eh kangen juga ternyata hehehe,,
papa cukup gaul dong,, masi bisa aku ajak ke java jazz tahun lalu,, hehehe liat Glenn sama sandy sandhoro,, jaman dulu banget pernah juga aku ajak ntn IBL (pas jaman DBL arena blom buka, jadinya di GOR kertajaya),,, :D

but the most touchy moment with my dad so far would be in my engagement,,,
jadi ceritanya, pas itu papanya brian meminta aku lewat papaku,, kemudian papaku yg harus menanyakan sendiri ke aku dan aku sendiri pula yg harus menjawab sendiri ke papa untuk nantinya papa yg nyampein ke papanya brian,,,
papanya brian memutuskan make bahasa jawa yg ajegile lebih tinggi kali ya drpd kromo inggil (-.-'), papa sih nyerah kagak bisa terlalu alus bgitu hahaha jadi kami berdua memutuskan untuk pake bahasa indonesia aja,,, hahahaha,,
yak jengjengjeng,,,
mulainya papanya brian meminta lewat papaku,, dan tibalah saatnya pula papaku nyampein ke aku,,,
guess what? he needs,, ehmm,, 10mins in silence,, i knew he kept telling to himself that he could say that proposal,,, and,, yes,he cried.
for once in my life, i saw him cry, he's the first man who cried, who is so scared of losing me, he's my dad :')
finally he could get through it (after i held his hand),, i answered it with short and brief answer... and finally those touchy moment was over,,, fiuuhhhhh,,,
*just cant imagine what will happen in my wedding later T_T*

yes, he's my beloved dad.
sometimes he sent me YM only to say "i miss you all kids, sorry wont be home this weekend" or when i change my pic he said "wow, look how pretty you are, who's your dad? hahahahahah"

yes, he's my beloved dad.
he wont let me fall, he wont let me down.

yes, he's my beloved dad.
i always wannabe like him.

love you dad.

May 12, 2010

simply :)

I stand here with a thousand words and tons of hopes
But blankness is the place they ended up the most
I'm lost in the frequency of the oddities
It feels so hard to breathe
I'm like a hapless piece of symphony that no one really cares to hear

You simply inspire me
Collide into me
But no one's there
So why don't you hold me
Why don't you move me
So I know you care
I wonder how far to go
To simply have you and simply keep you

And now, when everything has been said and done
In silence I can only wish I am the one
I'm floating like a bubble that will pop and be gone
Just trying to make you see
The simplicity of lock and key
And how you're never ever there to free me

beberapa hari yang lalu,ga sengaja denger "simply" di radio,,, itu tuh lagunya Dewi lestari yg album pertama "out of shell" jadi udah lama bgt sblm "malaikay juga tau" yg bikin dee jadi terkenal,, coba2 donlot d 4shared,,susahnya nauzubillahhh,,, akhirnya putus asa dan cari videonya di youtube,,, the song and the lyrics both are amazing,, i simply love it :)

March 14, 2010

how to make your own blackberry themes :)

mumpung libur, saya jadi lumayan punya waktu buat mengoptimalkan bb saya,, (lbh tepatnya bb adek saya yg diwariskan ke saya gara2 javelin saya ilang T.T)
awalnya saya baca tulisan anita moran di gogirl trus liat kok themes bb nya lucu banget,, trus ga nyangka ternyata di GoGirl! edisi ulang taun kemaren ada h ste gimana cara bikin themes sendiri,,,
nah, di sini (setelah perjuan 5x lbh gagal) aq mau bagi2 caranya,,,

1. go to
sori, aku ga bs kasih link karna untuk donlotnya kita harus bikin acc dulu di situs bb ini,,, dont worry it's free ;)

2. trus ntar ada option "Key Information for Developing Themes and Graphics"
pilih yang "Tools and Download"

3. Pilih "Theme builder v5.0"

4. trus tinggal download aja,, (filenya gede lho 282 MB, so u have to be patient hahaha)

5. Setelah udah ke download, jalanin aja aplikasinya (pilih themes bb yang sesuai sama seri bb kamu,, untuk gemini pilih yg 8500 series)

6. This is it! u're now free to personalize your own theme,, even 'til the smallest thing like how to design your own icons,,
oya, ekstensi image yang dipake adalah .png
trus ukuran image yang dibutuhkan ada di tiap2 icon yg mau diganti,, kamu tinggal mengarahkan kursor ke kotak2nya jadi tinggal resize aja pake program2 smacam photoshop untuk ngubah jadi ukuran yang sesuai,,
untuk icon2 yang lucu2 bisa kamu cari gratis di web2 semacam

7. setelah themes jadi, kamu tinggal hubungkan bb kamu dengan kabel USB

8. otomatis akan keluar option untuk ngesave otomatis ke bb kamu

9. it's a wrap, darling!!

10. enjoy! dijamin bakal nagih ^^

smoga bisa membantu,, :)

here's my 1st theme,, *masi jelek ;p*